I'm visiting the exhibition for the first time

We're offering you a few tips to better prepare for your visit to the exhibition.

1. I’m registering

I’m registering to get my free badge now.
Your badge will be available for download and printing 15 days before the exhibition. By printing it in advance, you’ll save time at the entrance.

2. I'm preparing for my visit

  • I identify the exhibitors and solutions to explore.
  • I identify the villages to explore. Do you have specific needs on the following themes ? :
    HQSE Software and Platforms
    Crisis Management
  • I schedule meetings with exhibitors based on my needs using the Expo Connect business meeting platform. This matchmaking tool helps you identify exhibitors according to your requirements. You’ll also benefit from phone support from our teams.
  • I review the conferences that interest me. I take part in dynamic discussions on the hottest topics of the moment, such as artificial intelligence, advanced cybersecurity, NaTech risks, and more.
  • I participate in exhibition events such as the Innovation Awards and exhibitor activities for a time of networking, meeting, and conviviality.
  • I locate the comfort areas to work, take a break, and relax.

3. I'm at the exhibition

  • I pick up the exhibition guide to have all the information about the event.
  • My agenda includes my exhibitor meetings, conferences, and other events.

My to do list :

I download and print my badge

✔ I prepare my meetings

Votre Pass pour Pollutec

10 au 13 octobre 2023 - Lyon Eurexpo

Achetez votre Pass maintenant et économisez + de 30% sur le prix à l'entrée.